
We use the reliable (and best!) courier DPD to despatch 99% of our orders. We use Royal Mail if your order is under 750g in weight. 

Both couriers are extremely quick, they let you know when you need to be in and they take extra good care of your parcel. We believe in only using the best couriers to ensure a smooth and pleasant shopping experience with us. Please note that DPD only delivery Monday to Friday, between 7:30am to 7:30pm whereas Royal Mail will deliver Monday to Saturday, usually mid-morning when your postman comes! 

☀️ Please note that DPD and Royal Mail don't use refrigerated transport when delivering items so bear this in mind when ordering chocolate during the summer months. We cannot accept responsibility for items melting during transport and strongly advise ordering such goods when temperatures are above 24+ degrees. ☀️

We aim to despatch your order within 2-3 working days (it's usually less than 24 hours though!). Our working hours are 6am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Please note that we are closed on all bank holidays so no orders will be despatched or delivered on these days. Whilst we strive to get all orders packed and delivered as quickly as possible, sometimes it may take longer than quoted. If this is not possible due to stock unavailability, we will inform you via e-mail or phone as soon as possible. 

We have kept our delivery options as simple as possible.

- Notification confirming the day of delivery in advance
- Notification on morning of delivery with a 1 hour time slot
- Real-time tracking via “Follow my parcel”
- Option to change the date of delivery
- Option to request the driver leaves the parcel in a specific safe place or with a preferred neighbour

Your order will need a signature so please ensure that someone is available to sign for your sweets when your order is due for delivery. We always recommended to arrange to have your order delivered to an address where someone will be there to receive it at any time throughout the day, such as your work address. We send tracking numbers with every order, which enables you to find detailed information as to when your parcel will be delivered.

DPD and Royal Mail will leave a calling card if they are unable to deliver your parcel, please follow the instructions on the calling card and contact your local depot to rearrange delivery/collection within 2-3 working days. If arrangements for delivery are not completed in 2-3 working days your parcel will be returned back to us unfortunately. This will incur a further delivery charge if you wish to have the parcel resent.

The following postcodes are classed by DPD as Scottish Highlands, Islands and Offshore and carry a minimum delivery charge of £16.99:

AB31-AB38, AB55-AB56, FK17-FK21, IV52-IV54, IV63, PH19-PH26, PH30-PH41, PH49-PH50, HS1-HS9, IV40-IV51, IV55-IV56, KA27-KA28, PA20-PA78, PH42-PH44, ZE1-ZE3, G83, GY9, IM, PH15-PH18, KW0-KW9, KW10-KW17, TR21-TR25, JE, PO30-PO41.

Please note that due to the current Brexit rules and regulations, we are unable to despatch orders to Northern Ireland, Republic of Ireland and other EU countries